Sat Apr 8, 6:00 PM - Sat Apr 8, 9:00 PM

Living Word Bible Church

3520 E. Brown Rd., Mesa, AZ 85213

Community: Mesa


Join us on April 8th and 9th for an amazing Easter Weekend at Living Word. God sent his only begotten son. He sent Jesus Christ to die -- for us. Purchase your tickets for the top biggest Easter events in Town plus the best fun.

Event Details

Can you imagine? Jesus carried his mission out for over 30 years, knowing that one day Judas would kiss him on the cheek and betray him to his death.

Beaten, mocked, and crowned with thorns, Jesus carried the cross upon his back, positioning it on the hill where he would die.

Before a crowd of jeers, and cries, and before the woman who bore him, Jesus was crucified for our sins. For our sorrow. For our hardships.

For our very souls. But that's not where it ends: on the third day, he rose again from the depths of hell with the nail holes, the evidence of his sacrifice, still in his hands.

This is easter, the celebration of the fact that our god gave us his son. That a man who owed us nothing gave up everything to save every soul on this earth.

This is the third day; this is the day Jesus Christ rolled away the stone. This is easter.

Easter times:

Saturday, april 8th @ 6pm

Sunday, april 9th @ 8:30 am, 9:30 am, 10:45 am, 12 pm

Easter Celebration

Join us for a special easter celebration at living word on Saturday, April 8th, and Sunday, April 9th. We welcome you to gather with us to honor the resurrection of jesus christ and the hope that it brings to all.

You can expect:

Uplifting music
Anointed messages
Easter egg hunt
Family time

We believe that easter is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate. That's why we have planned a special event that everyone can enjoy. The Easter egg hunt is a great way for children to have fun while learning about the easter story and the significance of the resurrection of jesus christ.

We offer a warm and welcoming community that embraces everyone, regardless of their background. So bring your family and friends, and let's celebrate the hope, love, and new beginnings that easter brings. We look forward to seeing you and sharing this special day with you.

May the blessings of easter fill your heart with joy and peace.

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